New Zealand

What records are available from New Zealand?

We provide a  range of records  and certificates to assist you in tracing your New Zealand ancestry.

We are able to access records for :

Births of a living person who was born 100 years ago or more.

Births of a deceased person who died 50 years ago or more or who was born 80 years ago or more.

Marriages that occurred 75 years ago
Deaths that occurred at least 50 years ago or the deceased’s date of birth was at least 80 years ago.

PPrintout from the Register
OCCOfficial Certified Certificate

What information is provided on a New Zealand Birth, Death and Marriage?

Date & Place of BirthDate & Place of DeathDate & Place of Marriage
Given NamesUsual Residence *Full Names of Bride & Groom
SexName, Occupation, Sex & AgeAge
Father’s name & OccupationCause of DeathOccupation, Rank & Profession
Mother’s Maiden NameParent’s Names, Father’s Occupation, Mother’s Maiden NameStatus
Father & Mother’s Age and BirthplaceWhen & Where BuriedBirthplace *
*recorded after 1876Marriage Place, Age, Spouse, Ages & Sex of Living IssueWitnesses
*recorded after 1876Father’s Name and Occupation *
Mother’s Maiden Name *
* recorded after 1980

What do I need to provide to make an order?

Index reference numbers are required to apply for a copy of New Zealand civil registrations.

If you are unable to supply a reference number, providing a Name, Year and Place will assist us to find the entry.  

An additional charge may be applicable.

What is the Turnaround Time?

For Digital images, the turnaround is 2 weeks.  

For Official Certificates, please allow 3-4 weeks.